Water is a Turkmen's life, a horse is his wings, and a carpet is his soul.
- Turkmen Proverb
AS you know we decided to have an Asian tour , and the very first choice is Turkmenistan our north-eastern neibourhood. The reason for choosing this country is that in old times we were supposed as one country, so we have very close cultures and languages.
one nice Saturday morning we(mahya and mehrnaz) packed our stuff(concluded: water,snicker,sleeping bag,canned food, enough money, and our tandem bike, etc).
we passed through alborz mountains, and turkmenistan field ,Golestan province.and we passed the borthers...
As we rode down the tree lined streets in Ashghabad the capital of Turkmenistan, we passed rows of tiny, one-floor houses that sat just yards away from the road side. I watched through the window as children scurried from one side of the road to the other,

Visiting Turkmenistan is like nothing you've ever experienced or are likely to experience again. the biggest allure for us was the chance to explore a land with ancient cultures and traditions that was once part of the Silk Road.The Silk Road runs through Central Asia and was a major trading route connecting the West to the East for hundreds of years. In fact, it was the famed traveler, Marco Polo who was the first to mention Turkmen carpets in the 13th century. While many regions along the Silk Road produce unique carpets, Turkmen rugs have become well known in the West, due to their high quality and beauty. The art of carpet weaving has been handed down from generation to generation and is central to the Turkmen culture( This is one of the similarities we have in our cultures) . Each tribe has its own specific patterns and symbols which represent aspects of life which hold great importance. and the languages they speak are: Turkmen,Russian,Kamoosh,Geok Depe.
AS we became tired and thirsty, we decided to knock one of the house's door to ask for some help. They were sooooo hospitable and invited us in,for having dinner with them,and they also let us stay that night in their house.they offered us a feast of chicken, plov (traditional Central Asian rice dish) fruit, fresh juices and tea(This is exactly the kinda meal which is very popular in Iran). We sat on the floor, chatting with our new friends. The smaller children played hide and seek with us, peeking their heads in the door, smiling and flirting. In the corner of the room a black and white television played a video-tape of a recent family wedding. The new bride now sat beside us, holding her new born child and pregnant with her second. She held a piece of cloth from her headdress in her mouth, unable to speak in the presence of her mother-in-law, a tradition that was so surprising for us. We exchanged smiles and even without the benefit of words, she expressed pride in wedding, her child, and her family.After dinner our carpet education began,and as Mahya knew somehow how to do that she was excited to death and all this time I was trying to learn something too. we walked from carpet to carpet as they helped to explain the

Ok.this was only one day in Turkmenistan, and we can't wait to tell you all the beautiful things we are seeing here..
so keep being with us in this extra ordinary voyage!!!!
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